Your Feel-Good Guide to Spring Break

It's almost here! Spring break once was about getting some much needed rest and relaxation -- not just a bunch of college kids running amok in bikinis and shorts at the beach. At its core spring break is meant to be a reward for all your hard winter work, so as you start making your plans for spring break, let's take a look at some more enticing (er, and civilized) vacation ideas for every horoscope sign. Here's your ultimate feel-good spring break destination guide:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Rams aren't the type to sit on the beach with a fruity drink and a trashy novel. They like to be on the go, and the more challenging the physical activity, the better. An adventure vacation rock climbing, zip lining, white water rafting, parasailing or scuba diving (or all of the above) would mean spring break bliss for this sporty sign.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

When Bulls go on vacation, their ultimate goal is to slow down and relax. If you've ever heard someone say, "I need a vacation from my vacation!" it was probably a Taurus, lamenting being dragged all over by a more mobile sign. This sign would love nothing more than to languish on a beach all day, take a long afternoon nap in a hammock and then have a relaxing, decadent dinner at a waterfront restaurant by night.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Brainy Geminis needs intellectual stimulation when they travel. Guided tours of interesting or historic places would offer them the opportunity to add to their already vast well of knowledge while also experiencing something new and fun. The more there is to do in one place, the better, as this sign is known for being restless. New York City, Los Angeles or Chicago could easily hold a Gemini's attention for an entire spring break.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

While other signs may want to run off to party with their friends, this homebody would be more at ease on a cruise with family or a few close friends. The security, structured activities and close proximity to water would make this trip a slam-dunk for the Crab. The only thing this sign would like more than actually being on the boat, though, is docking and getting the opportunity to check out new locales.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

It's always a party when the Lion is around, and if they can be the center of attention, even better. While many signs wouldn't be at home in a classic spring break destination like Key West or Cancun, Leo would dance 'till dawn, break a few hearts and still have the energy to flash that dazzling smile when they show up for breakfast. Be prepared to see them on TV, as this sign can sniff out a camera crew from a mile away.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgos don't go anywhere without a map, a Lonely Planet book and a compass, and that's the bare minimum. This sign would be most at ease as part of a tour group. They value healthy living, so a trip that's chock full of walking or another form of exercise would fit the bill. Plus, with the added bonus of someone else planning everything, this sign would get to do something they never do in real life -- relax.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

You'd never catch a refined Libra in Miami or Atlantic City on spring break. This sign likes culture, and lots of it. They'd be most at home somewhere chock-full of museums, performing arts venues, unique shopping destinations and plenty of fine dining options. Even on a budget, this sign will find the most comfortable and eye-pleasing places to tuck in for the night as well.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios like to get lost in a city when they visit, and the darker the history a place has to offer, the better. This sign would have a blast in New Orleans. Not only would the rhythms of the city appeal to the sensual Scorpio, but the whispers of ghosts and voodoo would pique their curiosity. The proximity to water is also important, as Scorpio is a water sign.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

The Archer is the adventurer of the zodiac, so in order for them to enjoy a vacation, it must truly be an adventure. Hiking the Appalachian Trail would be perfect for this sign, as would a trek through Central America, visiting sites of ancient Mayan ruins. No tour guides for this sign, though -- they prefer traveling at their own pace.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

The Goat is always so focused and driven in their day-to-day life that they really need to wind down when they're on vacation. This sign would prefer to avoid the 24/7 party atmosphere of most spring break destinations, opting for something slow, quiet and close to nature instead. A trip to a small mountainside town would be the perfect escape.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Quirky Aquarius likes unusual vacations. A multi-state road trip with friends would appeal to this sign's group mentality. Don't expect to sleep in the backseat if you're traveling with this sign, though -- they'll have directions to every wacky roadside attraction along the way. World's Largest Ball of String? You betcha.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

More than any other sign, a vacation means escape for the Fish. The opportunity to immerse themselves completely into an activity would appeal to them, and being close to water is a must. A trip to a spa would allow them to completely shut out the outside world. As this sign is the most spiritual of them all, they may also enjoy a yoga retreat.

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